100 Days of Daily Blog

August 24, 2023

Today, I mark day 100 of daily blogging. Let me share with you 3 lessons I learned from publishing new thoughts every day for 100 days.

The Power Of Consistency

I’m proud of how much effort I put into this project of daily writing. During these 100 days, I even went on a holiday to the jungle, but I was so dedicated to this project that I still found a way to keep publishing.

I was very consistent. I must admit it wasn’t a 100% perfect streak. Ironically, I miscounted the 100 days and thought I reached 100 a few days before today, which, due to my mistake, made me mess up my perfect streak of 100 days in a row. It wasn’t totally perfect, but I’m still proud of this achievement and I learned a lot.

Committing myself to this project has been incredible. It gave me evidence that there’s nothing stopping me from forming the identity of a writer. All it takes is daily writing. It’s all a matter of volume. The more you write, the more you feel like a real writer.

“You don’t become confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are. Outwork your self-doubt.”― Alex Hormozi

Capturing Ideas

I used to think I was full of ideas, but once I was faced with the pressure to come up every day with something to write about, I realized I needed a system to capture my ideas. I really struggled to write something when I sat down to look at an empty screen.

Instead, I realized the best way for me to always have a topic was to write ideas down as I went through my day. This worked great; ideas come to us when we least expect them. At the gym, random thoughts would come to me, so I wrote them all down in a list.

When it was time to write something new, I would go to my list. Honestly, most ideas didn’t work or weren’t as interesting anymore, but from writing down dozens of things, I found something useful every time.

Being forced to write every day made me realize the need to capture all of my ideas and then elaborate on the best ones.

Improving My Ability To Be Concise

Writing daily helped me improve my writing system for Twitter (X). My daily posts would often become the starting point for a new tweet.

"If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.” ― Blaise Pascal

This process heightened my appreciation for concise writing. At times, writing a longer post felt easier than trying to synthesize it into an elegant and eloquent tweet. This was invaluable practice.

Moving On…

I’ll continue to write on my newsletter and Twitter. However, for now, I’ll stop these daily blogs. I’ve derived much value from this habit. I might return to it if I notice I’m not being as consistent as I need to be with my writing. For now, I’m eager to delve deeper into ideas in my newsletter, so if you're keen on following my journey, I hope to see you there!