The Power of Trial and Error - Building a More Agile Business

June 14, 2023

Developing better systems is key. Set up once, repeat many times. When it comes to marketing my courses and digital products, it's all about trial and error. I like building new courses and teaching new ideas, but at the end of the day, the only way to know if my course is profitable is to sell it. People might say they want something, but the only way to confirm that is if they buy it. People vote with their money, not with their words of encouragement.

This is why I want my business to be more agile. I want to quickly build faster MVP's (Minimum Viable Products). MVP's is like version 0.1 of a product, it's all about being in beta first, and then improving things further based on feedback.

One of the bottlenecks I found in my business is that it takes me ages to create a sales page for a new course. My system for creating sales pages is a bit too complex, specially for quick first version. This is why I am working on faster systems to build courses and create sales pages more efficiently. This will allow me to release my work faster to the world, enabling me to improve it based on people's needs.

I am excited to work on a smoother workflow, which will help me put my work out there faster, making my business more agile.