Ai Chat: The End of Traditional Organization

July 25, 2023

ChatGPT has changed the way I think about everything I do online. It's hard to believe that everything will soon be reduced to a simple chat. In this AI chat, I can ask questions about anything I need, based on my notes, files, and projects of all kinds. This shift makes me less motivated to organize things. This technology will soon solve all organizational problems.

Before ChatGPT, I knew that good organization was essential. I needed to categorize all of my files and notes, tag everything, and place things in folders. It was important to keep everything discoverable for future use.

We are currently in a transitional period. Some tasks can be accomplished by AI chat. Yet, a lot of things still need manual intervention.

Which leaves me feeling frustrated. I know that soon much of what I need will be easily discoverable by simply asking a question in a chat. It makes all of my efforts at organization feel pointless.

I've experimented with note-taking apps that use AI chat as their main feature. However, these apps still lack some advantages that more established apps offer. Once apps like Tana, Obsidian, and Notion incorporate a full AI chat search, everything will change.

Until that time comes, organizing my notes and files feels ineffective, even though it's still necessary.

Can’t wait for the future.