How Ai will Soon Replace Doctors

May 13, 2023

I've been fascinated with the whole world of AI, and the more I think about it, the more I realize the countless ways in which technology will replace numerous professions. Today, let's discuss the impact on doctors (sorry, doctors).


We initially thought robots would replace manual labor first, but it turns out they are making their mark in the creative fields first. However, I believe they will gradually expand to replace knowledge workers, including professionals in the medical field.

The Inevitable AI Takeover in Healthcare

Doctors will definitely be replaced by AI. Let me clarify that I have great respect for doctors; I think their dedication to studying and acquiring knowledge is truly admirable. Nevertheless, I believe there will be a gradual process of replacing knowledge work. Surgery, on the other hand, will take a bit longer for robots to master. Personally, I am not yet ready to trust a robot to perform surgery on me. What if it glitches while cutting me open? However, the knowledge aspect of doctors will definitely be replaced soon.

AI-Powered Chatbots: The Future Doctors

The knowledge of doctors is an area where AI-powered chatbots can excel. When you think about it, a doctor spends years studying to acquire the correct knowledge to provide accurate advice. On the other hand, an AI can not only acquire a vast amount of knowledge but also access all the information accumulated over the years of research on the human body. It can offer you more informed advice based on a comprehensive body of knowledge. Moreover, it can even learn from itself based on patient feedback.

Imagine having a detailed history of everything that has ever affected you, and these robotic doctors can provide you with a holistic and comprehensive solution to your problems. They consider the interconnectedness of all factors and learn from your feedback. If you report that certain advice didn't help much, they will improve and accumulate more knowledge for the next patient based on your feedback.

Why Robot Doctors Will Outperform Humans

The amount of data and experience that robot doctors can gather is infinitely more than that of human doctors. Therefore, I genuinely believe that human doctors will soon be replaced by chatbot doctors. However, for a few more years, we will still rely on human surgeons until we can fully trust robots with such precision.

AI Disruption: A Professional Revolution

This is just one example of how everything is bound to change, even one of the most esteemed professions that has endured for centuries—doctors. If doctors are not safe from AI disruption, then no other profession can claim to be. Let's stick together and keep exploring how we can adapt to AI in order to survive this professional revolution of knowledge.

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