I don't use Apple Products Because I Believe in Their Philosophy

May 20, 2023

-   I'm an Android guy, but not because I hate iPhones.

-   I use Windows, but not because I don't like iMacs & MacBooks.

   -   I don't use Apple because I believe in Apple's philosophy.

-   I don't use Apple anymore because:

   -   I believe their catchphrase: "Think Different" no longer applies to their products.

   -   These days, using an iPhone means conforming to the norm.

   -   Apple no longer represents their philosophy.

-   Their philosophy used to apply.

   -   Steve Jobs actually applied the "think different" philosophy.

   -   Now, iPhones no longer innovate the way they used to.

   -   My Google Pixel Phone is, in my opinion, better than an iPhone.

       -   And other phones like Samsung are truly innovating.

   -   iPhones are the normal phones of today.

       -   If you really want to "Think Different"

       -   Then Apple no longer serves you as the company to get there.