Selfishness Works Backwards

May 26, 2023

I've been in "work-mode" for the past few years. This means that I've had to say No countless times to friends and family over the years.

Saying no is the only way to achieve your goals and have the mental bandwidth to focus. However, it's common to be called selfish for it.

Here's a little dialogue I came up with to illustrate my point:

Carl: Hey, man, I need your help. Can you help me fix something?
It shouldn't take the whole day.

John: No, sorry, I'm busy.

Carl: It's just a small favor.

John: Sorry, man, I can't.

Carl: Why?

John: I'm just busy.

Carl: I bet you don't even have a reason; you just don't want to do it.

John: Sorry, man.

Carl: Man, you are so selfish sometimes.

John: 🙃

In that case, who is actually being selfish? Is it John or Carl?

John is free to use his time in whatever way he sees fit.
However, Carl insists that he wants John to do something for him.

What's truly selfish is to demand others to do what you want.

It's not selfish to use your time in the best way you see fit.

Say No more often, and do it guilt free.

"Selfish people don't care about you, unless you are doing something for them." - Anon