Beliefs - The Starting Point of Achievement

June 11, 2023

Belief is key to achievement. However, belief alone doesn't do the trick. It's merely the starting point. Why? Because belief leads to the choices we make. These choices lead to actions. And, obviously, actions lead to results.

It works in this order:

  • Beliefs
  • Choices
  • Actions
  • Results

Money Beliefs

Let's take money as an example. Some people (my past self included) think money is the root of all evil. These people, through their beliefs, have accidentally decided that money won't come their way. They've pinned a negative trait to money.

The result? They don't make the right choices, which lead them to not take the right actions to attract money, which obviously leads to them not getting money.

Gym Beliefs

Here's another example. When I was younger, I believed muscles were unnecessary. I thought wanting muscles was just being superficial and narcissistic. This belief led me to decide not to go to the gym or lift weights. And, as you might guess, this didn't give me any results, I remained very skinny my whole life.

But then, I changed my beliefs. This change in beliefs led to a change in choice. This choice led to the action of going to the gym. And in the past year and a half, these actions have given me results.

This is why belief is always the first step towards getting results. Start with belief, make a choice, take action, and results will follow.