Beyond the Niche: The Next Level of A Content Creation Business

July 11, 2023

Being a Davincist

I have always been a polymath, Jack of All Trades, or what I like to call a "DaVincist." I am passionate about several interests that seem unrelated and unconventional, ranging from card magic to the Rubik's Cube, parkour, language learning, filmmaking, tech, entrepreneurship, philosophy, and more.

Transition from School to Career

When I was in school, I enjoyed all of my hobbies and found new ones. There wasn't any pressure to make money back then. However, once I finished studying completely, I experienced a crisis. I didn't know if I could continue being a "DaVincist" and pursue my random passions. I started working as a freelancer at first, but then managed to transition into making a full-time living from YouTube and creating courses on productivity apps through my own personal business.

Early Days of My Business

I wasn't very ambitious when I first started my business. I was comfortable with the level of income I was making, especially considering the cheap cost of living here in Ecuador. Above all, my goal was always to avoid the 9-5 life at all costs because I've always had a severe case of "nine-to-five-phobia.”

Higher Ambition

Everything has changed in the past year, and now I have much higher ambitions. I want financial freedom while I'm still young and to become a provider for my entire family, including my parents. To achieve this, I need to take my business to a whole new level. Although the common advice is to specialize in a profitable niche, I've never liked that route. Now, I finally believe and have evidence that there's a better way.

"Specialization is for ants." - Robert Heinlein

Part of why I hate the idea of a 9-5 job is that it would force me to specialize. As a DaVincist, I want to pursue my multiple passions and learn as much as I can from various fields.

The Beauty of Online Business

I've been wanting to become an online creator since I was 14. At that time, I only wanted to be a YouTuber, and for the past year, I've wanted to become an entrepreneur.

To me, making a living by creating online content is the best business path, and its beauty is completely destroyed if you feel forced to specialize. This is why the common advice to "niche down" as a content creator still feels as much of a prison as a 9-5 job.

Crafting A New Path

The beauty of online business is that you can make it whatever you want. There are no rules, only best practices. Anything you want to achieve has probably already been accomplished by someone else. It's all about finding the right role models.

Role Models and Inspiration

Out of the people I follow, Dan Koe is the closest I've found to achieving what I want. From what I understand, he has surpassed one million dollars in annual profits. He has the freedom to explore any interests while becoming a better thinker. This is the path I want to pursue, and I want my ambitions to align with this direction.

I'm still in pursuit of the path I seek, but I feel very fortunate to already be at the level where I've been making a full-time living from my online business. If you want to learn the lessons that have taken me years, I'm putting together a course on how to start your own personal brand.

My hope is to shave years off your journey and teach you everything I've learned that has gotten me to where I am so far. I feel passionate about sharing what I've learned because I can't imagine a better life than the path of freedom we pursue, and I want to take you with me on this incredible journey.You can check learn more my Solopreneurship course here!