Birthday Reflections

May 30, 2023

Today is my birthday. I spent last night feeling quite sick, unable to sleep well. I wonder if this is my first birthday spent being sick; I think it is. Either way, despite the fact that it's a bit of a rest day for me, I want to keep writing today.

Consistency is key

One of the skills I'm proud to have developed in the past years is consistency; I'm addicted to maintaining a habit streak. These are some of my top streaks:

  • Meditating every day for 4 years
  • Journaling every day for 4 years
  • Going to the gym for 1.5 years

There are many habits I still struggle with, but I know that if I establish a streak, it's hard for me to break the chain of habit.

Now, I want writing to be one of those great skills I keep for years.

Reflecting on this year's progress

Right now, I want to quickly reflect on the most important progress I've made this year, and that's in fitness.

I've been skinny my whole life, and even though I'm not where I want to be yet, looking back at old photos (and even YouTube videos), I looked malnourished.

I've been finally gaining muscle. So far I've increased my weight by 12kg (26 lbs) in the past year and a half, bulking while consistently going to the gym throughout that time.

My weight changed from 64kg to 76kg (141 pounds to 167 pounds). My height is 176cm (5'10") in case you are curious.

Goals feel distant

My fitness goals seem to be getting further away the more I improve. I know this is a psychological trick my mind is playing on me, so I have to remind myself to be grateful for the progress I've made, rather than solely focusing on the long path ahead.

Future ambitions

I'm proud of my progress in the gym. It's great to see some physical manifestation of my hard work, and I can't wait to see where I'll be next year.

I'm now 27, and my aim is to become a jacked rich dude. I know this might sound superficial, but it's definitely what I'm working towards.

I understand that money and muscle might seem like generic goals, but they represent a significant mindset shift I've had. Just a couple of years ago, I used to think that money was evil and muscle was useless.

I want the money to be used to take care of my loved ones, and I want the muscle to be a symbol of my hard work, earning my own respect as well as the respect of others.

So, as superficial as these goals seem, I know they are multilayered goals that will require me to harness all of my discipline, and I'm looking forward to it.