Blame Yourself Until You Are Wise Enough To Blame No One

May 14, 2023

“An ignorant person is inclined to blame others for his own misfortune.
To blame oneself is proof of progress.
But the wise man never has to blame another or himself.”
― Epictetus

I'm in a transition period with my business.
I'm moving from just selling courses, into selling a membership that includes:

  • all of my courses
  • a private community
  • group coaching calls on productivity

Because of this big change my business is going through a financial dip right now.

My brain often wants to blame external circumstances, but this change was my choice, so I need to think long-term and know that as long as I'm putting in the work, this will pay out in the future.

Key Mindset Points:

  • Everything that happens to me is my fault.
  • There's no value in blaming others.
  • Don't blame external circumstances.
  • I must take a look at the situation and identify where I have control over things.
  • If I can control it, then focus on it.
  • If I can't control it I need to move my attention away from that aspect.

I need to strive to the point where I don't even blame myself, but until then everything is my fault, everything is my responsibility.

This post inspired this tweet:

Keep this in mind when things don't go your way:

Things that don't help:

✖️ Blaming others
✖️ Blaming circumstances
✖️ Making excuses

What truly helps:

☑️ Finding what's in your control
☑️ Focusing on it
☑️ Ignoring the rest

— Santi Younger (@SantiYounger) May 15, 2023