Calm in Technical Chaos

June 4, 2023

Technical issues took over my entire business, and all the main websites I use to sell my courses went down overnight for reasons too technical and boring to explain here.

I was frustrated, but I'm glad I could still remain relatively calm and simply do the work needed to restore things to their original state.

These types of changes to websites tend to take at least 24 hours, but the internet gods were benevolent, and thankfully my entire business was restored in a matter of minutes instead.

I'm just happy that things got fixed. Even though I was stressed and worried, in the past, this could have made me freak out and lose my mind quickly. It's good to know that I've managed to build mental resilience.

However, I know that if my business were down for another 24 hours, I would have definitely had a bad mood all through the day. So I just need to work on my mind so that I can overcome these things with more ease and always learn to differentiate what is in my control from what is not.

Feel free to copy and use the revised text as needed. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!