Gaining Clarity - The Art of Stepping Back

June 7, 2023

Recently, I spent too much time trying to implement a random idea that I had.

The idea was to develop a method so that I could pause a GIF in a blog post.

I didn't like how it kept looping. I wanted to create a "pause and play" button so that the reader could decide if they wanted to pause it while they continued reading.

This idea ended up taking me over an hour, and it didn't turn out as I had expected. I needed to give up much sooner, but I kept getting obsessed with it.

I often find myself in these moments of obsession, trying to fix a problem. However, almost every time I take a break and revisit it later with a clear mind, the problem tends to get solved a lot faster.

Alternatively, I realize that what I was working on wasn't truly worth it, and I can move on to something more important.