Conflicting Goals Requires Efficiency

August 6, 2023

Today I want to share a twitter thread that I spend a lot of time on inspired by this week's Newsletter.

Here's an expanded version that I hope you'll enjoy:

What do we do when two important goals compete for our time? We often struggle to balance the big three: Health, Relationships, and Finances. The solution lies in efficiency. It's all about improving the way in which we manage our time. Can we work less and achieve more? 🧵

My current struggle is balancing business while also going to the gym. I have been doing both for years, but I know I am not being as efficient as I could be. When I'm at the gym, I wish I was working. When I'm working, I wish I was at the gym. This is my "why" for both goals:

Financial freedom: This is my path to providing a better future for my family. Moving them to a safer country. Muscle building: This is a symbol of discipline. A better way to present myself to the world. A strong body mirrors a strong mind. To take on these two massive goals, I need to work efficiently.

Enter: "The Flow State." This is a highly productive and focused state of work. Working 8+ hours can be counterproductive as it often leads to prioritizing meaningless tasks, while pushing back the important ones. I've been learning from the flow master Rian Doris. His solution is a strict 4-hour workday to train our minds to only focus on the most important work. This approach would allow me to achieve great progress in my business while still pursuing my fitness goals.

I feel a lot of push-back in my mind from even trying 4-hour work days. My digital mentors clash on this: For instance, Patrick Bet-David calls 8 hours days "part-time entrepreneurship" 😬. Thankfully Dan Koe does advocate for 4-hour days. The advice I'm constantly exposed to is extremely contradictory. We should experiment with different solutions. Over time, we must determine what works best to achieve our individual goals.

I'm excited to try 4-hour days. I'll document my journey as I go! I hope you liked this thread. It took me 1 hour and 52 mins to write it! (I already used half my working day 😂) If you are interested, I wrote about this topic in this week's Newsletter.