Unlocking Peak Productivity: The Power of a Disciplined Daily Routine

July 31, 2023

I'm now convinced that the key to ultimate productivity is nailing down the perfect daily routine and sticking to it no matter what.

Here's the simple recipe for ultimate productivity:

Step 1: Design your perfect day.Step 2: Time-block it in your calendar.Step 3: Stick to it relentlessly.

It took me years to finally put this into action. I'm still improving my exact schedule, but the benefits are incredible!

Here's my current schedule:

I wake up at 7:00 am, run to my computer, and dive straight into deep work. I've been doing this for a week, and it's interesting to see the kind of ideas and clarity I get from not being fully awake yet. The goal is to overcome the initial phase of struggle in order to enter the flow state.

Every other part of my day is also scheduled down to the minute - work, eat, gym that’s all I do all day.

I finish work at 7 pm. Then, I relax and get ready for bed. I sleep at 11:00 pm, so I am ready for a fresh start the next day.

I'm still working on perfecting it. I need to keep working on my discipline to follow my schedule to the letter. It's a huge challenge, but I really believe this is the way to unlock the productivity I've been seeking for years.

"Discipline equals freedom" - Jocko Willink