Ecuador Trip: Mountain Cliff Roads

July 3, 2023

Today was Day 1 of my week-long trip around Ecuador with my girlfriend and her parents. I'm writing this at night from a cozy little hostel after a long day. I drove for over six hours on extremely bumpy roads full of potholes that wound across the mountains of Ecuador. If you haven't been to South America, imagine the worst road you've ever been on and multiply it by 7.

On top of that many people here drive recklessly, I'm glad I remained calm through it all, honestly I owe that to years of practicing Stoicism (thanks Marcus!)

My girlfriend and her parents were stressed, especially on the muddy roads near cliffs; they had never seen such bad roads. But I did my best to stay calm and handle the situation well. Now, I'm finally ready to go to bed after lighting a fire in a nice wood-burning stove.