Effort and Reward - Navigating the Ups and Downs

May 21, 2023

've been feeling a lot of frustration lately. I'm going through a dip in my business due to previous decisions and risks I took that aren't paying off.

I feel a lot of doubt about whether I should backtrack or stick through the hard times, knowing that my efforts will eventually pay off.

Here are some reflections that bring clarity to my decisions and efforts:

-   Effort and reward don't always align immediately

   -   Effort doesn't always lead to immediate reward

   -   Past decisions impact the current situation

   -   Focus on delayed gratification

-   Balancing High Standards and Low Expectations

   -   Maintain high standards for work

   -   Keep low expectations for outcomes

-   Unpredictable Long-Term Rewards

   -   Trust that present efforts will eventually pay off somehow

       -   Perhaps in unexpected ways

   -   Timing and nature of rewards may be unpredictable

-   Learning from Mistakes

   -   Analyze past decisions for lessons

   -   Make more informed choices moving forward

-   Taking Responsibility

   -   Everything I do is my fault, both good and bad.