Embracing Unexpected Setbacks

August 14, 2023

Yesterday, I spent the day cleaning up my digital world: my gamer PC. I’m not even a gamer, but it’s a powerful setup for video editing.

I’ve recently had issues with the power button, especially when I turn it on in the mornings. Sometimes, it takes a couple of presses to activate. Today, however, it didn’t turn on at all.

In the morning, I reconnected the cables and watched tutorials to try to fix it. Afterward, I decided to ask for help. The computer is heavy, and I don't have a car to transport it to a technician. Fortunately, a friend was amazing and helped me right away, and we were able to fix it today.

The whole operation took hours, and I felt like I had lost precious work time. However, these obstacles are part of the process.

We must learn to expect the unexpected and be prepared for interruptions like these in our work.

It’s vital to avoid distractions we can control. However, unforeseen annoyances can arise at any moment. Instead of feeling frustrated, it's best to acknowledge the fact that they can happen at any time. All we can do is address them and continue forward.