Failure and Enthusiasm

May 29, 2023

I've been thinking a lot about failure and how to overcome tough times.

I'm not even close to being at my emotional worst; I've been there, and I know this isn't it. However, I've definitely been feeling low, especially after getting very sick this weekend (I'm finally starting to recover).

My body ached, and my mind was filled with defeat. I was unable to bring much positivity after a month of significant changes in my business. After making risky decisions that I hope will pay off, I'm currently experiencing a financial dip.

While being sick and feeling low, it was so easy for my mind to start calling me a failure and tempting me to give up.

Here's a great quote, which unfortunately is one of those randomly attributed to Churchill. Nevertheless, it's a great one:

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."

It seems impossible at times, but I'm sure successful people keep pushing even when things go wrong. Pushing is already hard enough, but doing so with the same enthusiasm definitely sounds like a challenge.

These lyrics always hit me hard because this is a cycle that is often difficult to escape:

"It's like with everything I do
The beginning's so exciting
In the middle part, I doubt
And in the end, I'm disappointed"
Lyrics from: Bastian Baker - Everything We Do

I don't think every new effort has to end in disappointment. At the end of the day, failure is a great teacher.

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

  • Confucius

So let's keep failing and maintaining the enthusiasm that made us start. Even when things go wrong, especially when they go wrong.