Information vs. Taking Action

August 7, 2023

I keep hearing people everywhere looking down on "information" as if it were no longer valuable.

Here's a quote that captures this perfectly:

"If more information was the answer, we'd all be billionaires with perfect abs." – Derek Sivers.

I'm actually a big fan of Derek Sivers, and I understand his point about the importance of taking action. However, many of us misinterpret it and believe that because we live in the "information age", information is no longer valuable.

I believe that the correct information, presented in the right way, can truly transform our lives.

Otherwise, why do millionaires go to extremely expensive events just to listen to a presenter talk?

I know what you're thinking: "They only go there to network". That's definitely a part of it, but one of the reasons to network is to have contacts that can give you access to the right information.

  • Investors have inside information on when to sell an asset.
  • High-level entrepreneurs know when it's the right time to act on an opportunity.
  • Billionaires have contacts who tell them when a market will crash on a specific day.

To think that information is no longer valuable is a huge mistake that I've fallen for in the past.

Often, people who look down on information do so because they advocate for taking action. I agree that execution is essential. However, it's 10x better to act while leveraging the wisdom of those who have walked the path before us.

Information is nothing more than the transfer of thoughts through language. Our thoughts shape our actions, and our actions shape our lives.

Accessing the right thoughts can change our limiting beliefs and save us years of pain caused by acting on the wrong things.

We don't need to make every mistake ourselves. We can learn from others. That's how we make real progress, by standing on the shoulders of giants.