The Pace of Business vs. The Pace of Holiday

July 10, 2023

Speed up when money is coming in.
Slow down when money is coming out.

Money loves speed, everything in business benefits from being done faster. The faster things are done, the better the more profit will follow. Things need to happen quickly; it's good to be efficient, agile, and snappy.

Being on holiday and spending money to buy relaxation operates under opposite rules IIf the goal is to relax, then there's often no reason to speed things up. Otherwise, we easily fall into a hilarious paradox of "hurry up, we need to relax".

I like how the languages I'm learning have a phrase for this. In Italy, they say "piano piano", in Greece, they say "σιγά σιγά (siga siga)" which means "slowly slowly". Take it easy, slow down, hold your horses, take a chill pill.

Relax, slow down, there's no point speeding up to get to the next relaxation activity. Recharge your energy so that you are ready to speed up after your holiday when you are back in business.