Analyze The Pain, Not Just The Rewards

June 30, 2023

Every goal we set comes with a cost. We often get carried away by the excitement of achievement, and we tend to forget about the long-term implications of choosing a certain path.

When we choose a goal, we must consider the long-term lifestyle we are getting into. We need to be able and willing to overcome the low points that will inevitably come with anything we set out to do.

For example, let's say Max wants to become a programmer. He needs to understand what his day-to-day life would be like long-term. Otherwise, he might put in all of that work only to realize that he doesn't want to spend endless hours troubleshooting code.

He might be able to power through at first, but when he reaches a low point, will he be able to overcome the frustration?

Perhaps programming isn't the right path for Max. He might be better suited for something like web design, where he can use more of his creativity to build his projects. Taking that route might help him overcome the low points, as he can power through them thanks to the extra fulfillment he gets from it.

That's why it's important to analyze the pain that comes with everything we do, instead of only focusing on the rewards. This way, we can truly commit to the long-term implications of sticking with our goals.