
June 10, 2023

Today, I played paintball at my cousin's birthday. It's been a while since I had a day like this.

My life mostly consists of: working on my business, gym, time with my girlfriend and seeing my family on Sundays.

Having such a different day was fun and exciting.
I've only played paintball once before when I was 13, but it was only one round, and I barely remember it. Today, however, we had about four rounds in large courts for a whole hour.

It was exciting and especially the first round was extremely tiring. It felt like running for your life and making each bullet count. The adrenaline was epic.

These fun activities are great, especially when they are rare. Sometimes with these fun things a thought crosses my mind, like: "Maybe I should join a paintball group to play every weekend." But as much as I might like the idea of something like this at first, I know that it would divert my focus away from my business and my priorities.

So, I'll just look back on today as a fun memory m, and get back to work, so that I can achieve my goals, and enjoy rare days like these even more when they come again.

With that said, I'm writing this post at night, so I'm very tired after today. I can't wait to sleep.