The Only Profession That Will Survive AI

May 18, 2023

I have been reflecting quite a bit on the impending AI revolution and how it will change everything. I even wrote a post on how AI will soon replace doctors, which was an interesting exploration of the current state of things. It made me wonder, can any industry or profession be immune to this?

Post-AI Revolution

After the AI revolution takes place, we will shift into a new world. I firmly believe that there is only one true profession that will remain - entrepreneurship.

If you think about it, the world is already run by entrepreneurs. There are employers looking for employees to fulfill certain tasks, people are either employers or employees.

The Struggles of Business Owners

Business owners often struggle with various issues, such as having to manage employees with different life circumstances and emotions. The financial dependency of these employees on their employers is a significant burden. Therefore, from a purely business perspective, it makes sense to aim for increased efficiency, to remove variables and reduce stress.

The Move Towards AI

The push to entrust as much as possible to AI is already underway. In the future, this trend will grow significantly. With this, there will be many more businesses.

This quote by Naval captures it perfectly:

"There are almost 7B people on this planet. Someday, I hope, there will be almost 7B companies.

  • Naval

I believe that is where the world is headed. Companies will no longer need to have hundreds or thousands of employees.

The Role of AI and the Changing Nature of Employment

Companies will have a lot of AI doing most of the work. When they do need people, either to supervise the AI or to handle more human-relationship-oriented tasks, they will not necessarily employ them. Instead, they will engage them as freelancers. This leaves us with three categories of work in the future:

  • entrepreneurship.
  • freelancing.
  • or unemployment.

I don't believe there will be any other alternatives. The era of employees on payroll is ending, and we need to prepare for it.

It is vital to start becoming an entrepreneur now so you can be ahead when the world starts to shift. The wave of realization is coming, and we must be prepared.

The Rise of Freelancing and Solopreneurs

The world is already shifting into this independent economy, there are over 70 million freelancers in the U.S., which means 36% of Americans are freelancers.

The shift will keep going, but this time tilting even more towards entrepreneurship, with people wanting to start companies as solopreneurs or just hiring one to three employees. These employees will assist in managing AI and maximizing leverage as much as possible.

Be Part of The Revolution

It's time to get to action. If you want help with this, entrepreneurship is one of my passions, and I want to help others get to this point faster, join my premium community and lets conquer the world together!