Potential New Directions: The Future of My Personal Brand

July 13, 2023

I've finally been able to start writing my ideas a lot more with this daily blog. I want to keep turning my best ideas into newsletters, which seems like the right path to follow.

The part that I'm not yet sure of is how to best approach spreading my ideas in other platforms.

I've been doing YouTube for several years, but I want to experiment with making videos based on my newsletters on YouTube.

This would definitely feel a lot more like a video podcast, which makes me wonder if I should also continue my podcast?

In the past, I've started over five different podcast shows on different topics, but what if now I just join them all under one podcast and make a video version for YouTube?

My main fear is losing my existing YouTube audience, since the videos would be very different from my usual software tutorial videos.

I want to change my business into more of a personal brand where I'm able to grow broader into various topics and build an audience of people I can truly help with their goals.