Questions Are More Important Than Answers

June 8, 2023

Questions are more important than answers. They open doors to deeper understanding of topics, ones that perhaps we wouldn't have explored on our own. Questions pave the way into a deeper journey of exploration. Unlike answers, they are not a final stop.

Even with AI like ChatGPT, it's all about improving the type of questions you ask in order to get better results.

In my own experience, particularly when making business decisions, I'm now trying to form a chain of questions. This method pushes me down a deeper path of exploration.

I do this because my initial ideas might not always be the ultimate solution I'm truly searching for.

Trying to come up with a straightforward answer might give me the solution I want, but not the solution I need.

By challenging my own thoughts through questions, I find they evolve into stronger ideas and eventually, more effective solutions. These solutions, in turn, become answers.

And in business and life, it's not so much about how hard you work in general, but it's about working hard on the right ideas, with higher ROI (Return On Investment). Working hard on the right projects is the key to success, and only reflection can help you determine what the right project truly is.