Real Business vs Fancy Procrastination

June 20, 2023

Today I wrote this tweet, I went through a lot of iterations, but I think the message is strong and it's one of the best business lessons I've learned:

Your business idea doesn't require more research, it requires action!

"Market research" is just fancy procrastination.

In the end, people vote with their money.

Actions speak louder than words.

Validate your idea by selling it, and then improve it based on real feedback.

My business is based around my courses and my community. These are info-products, so it is easy to apply; the real barrier is the fear that comes with taking this leap.

I've noticed myself getting stuck in wanting to make sure that my work is perfect before I release it, but there's nothing better than releasing an early version and improving it based on what your clients actually need.

This helps in two great ways:

1.  It forces you to take action quickly;

2.  You end up helping your clients in a much better way, since you improve the product based on their needs.  

   Time to take action and stop procrastinating; the world will benefit from you putting your work out there.