Reliable Tools: Valued in Use, Missed in Absence

July 2, 2023

I'm trying to install Linux again on my laptop. (Famous last words.)

I’m going on a trip around Ecuador with my girlfriend's family, tomorrow morning. During this week I really want to continue my writing habit. Unfortunately, my laptop has been unusable for the last year.

I don't use my laptop when I'm at home since I have a custom-made PC with three monitors that I love. But now I’m trying to find some way to solve it quickly before tomorrow morning.

For this trip, having at least a semi-functional laptop would be great to keep writing. My laptop currently runs Windows, but the screen glitches every few minutes. As a workaround, I am attempting to install Linux on it again.

But you know your laptop is truly broken when you can't even install Linux. The screen goes fully black during installation. So, I’ll keep trying for a bit longer and see if I can get anywhere with this workaround.

This just reminds me of the power of having access to reliable technology. This laptop needs to be repaired or replaced. If I had an expensive laptop, I wouldn't want to take it with me since, at the end of the day, we are traveling to dodgy places here in Ecuador, South America, so it's not the best idea. A cheap laptop that I can just throw in a backpack and go would be incredible right now.