Dealing With Slow Internet

May 15, 2023

I'm currently experiencing an extremely frustrating, slow internet connection. It's not entirely down, but it's painfully slow. I urgently need to make some fixes to my website to publish a new YouTube video, but the slow speed is causing everything to load very slowly, thereby intensifying my frustration.

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For this task, I needed to write things down and develop a checklist. With such slow internet, I couldn't access my main app, Tana, since it's fully cloud-based. It's moments like these that remind me of the power of offline note-taking apps like Obsidian. As it uses local files, it doesn't require the internet to function, proving immensely useful in this situation.

The slow internet is driving me to the brink of insanity. I know that with a fast connection, I could complete this task in 10 minutes. However, I've already spent over an hour attempting to make progress, only for the changes on my website to fail to save. This necessitates starting over and then waiting a full minute for something extremely basic to reload.

Expressing my frustrations in writing is providing a bit of relief. I realize I could postpone this task until my internet connection improves, but the task is important and needs to be completed soon. Therefore, I'll need to endure this a little longer until I finish.

Takeaway Lessons:

  • Since I always have internet access, I take it for granted and don't stop to realize how valuable it is as the foundation of my whole business.
  • The timing of a task is important. When possible, do the tasks that better align with your circumstances.