Social Media Is The Metaverse

July 20, 2023

2023 has been the most transformative year for technology. As a child, I often wondered, "How old will I be when the world has holograms and robots?”

We're getting closer to a futuristic world. In 2023, we may not have robots and holograms, but we do have AI and VR (Virtual Reality).

AI has already revolutionized how we work, completely shifting the trajectory of the economy in an unexpected way.

Virtual Reality and the Rise of the Metaverse

Beyond AI, virtual reality threatens to change the way everything works in the future with the concept of the metaverse: a new society, a unique version of reality that is entirely digital.

Currently, we still exist in a hybrid world where much of our business and social interactions can still take place in real life. Yet, the internet and social media allow us to decide how much of our time is spent in the physical world vs online.

The Metaverse

The more I contemplate the future of the VR metaverse, the more I realize that we already have a version of the metaverse through social media.

These platforms allow individuals like myself to make a living entirely online, despite geographical boundaries.

I live in a Spanish-speaking country, far from any of my English-speaking customers. Social media and the internet have allowed me to create a business that would not have been possible in my location.

The Risk of Rejecting Social Media

Those who completely reject social media are missing out on a new economy and will be left behind in the upcoming VR metaverse.

I believe that rejecting social media is a privilege reserved only for those who have already achieved complete financial freedom.

For the rest of us, being a part of this digital society is crucial if we wish to make a good living.

Whether you're looking for a job or you want to run your own business, social media is the ultimate tool for any form of networking.

A Tool for Creation and Education

Social media unfortunately still has many pitfalls that can lead to a corrupted mind and a wasted life.

However, the value of social media is entirely dependent on how you use it.

If we use it to entertain and numb our minds, it's a terrible space. On the other hand, if we use it for self-education and content creation, it can provide exceptional opportunities, including the potential to make a full-time living from it by exploring our interests.