First Solve Problems - The Rest Will Follow

July 28, 2023

I've been listening to Alex Hormozi's advice for over a year. He is an incredible entrepreneur who provides a crazy amount of value for free. Recently, he said some things that hit hard:

“If you get into business to solve problems, you’ll make money.
If you get into business to make money, you’ll have problems.”
- Alex Hormozi

This is an aspect of entrepreneurship that is difficult to balance.

My motivation to run my personal brand business is all about freedom and the ability to provide for my family.

I want to have the freedom to think freely and use my time productively in activities I consider meaningful. I don't believe there's a job out there that would give me the level of freedom I desire, so I need to keep working for myself to achieve this.

I also want to provide for my family, including my parents, girlfriend, and future kids. I want to give everyone I love the best life possible, which means providing safety, moving out of the dangerous country I live in, and having enough money to not have to worry about the financial stress that destroys so many relationships.

However, if I want this life of freedom, I need to make serious money. But I can only make money if I genuinely solve people's problems.

To achieve this as a personal brand, I need to identify my own problems, solve them efficiently, and then teach others how to solve those problems, especially people like me who need the solutions I've worked hard to uncover.