Why I'm Starting a Daily Blog

May 12, 2023

I'm starting a daily blog. After rediscovering Seth Godin's Daily Blog, I have finally decided to give it a try.

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It's all about committing to write, even if there's no one reading. I don't know where I'll end up in terms of the technical aspect of this project, but these first posts are written in Obsidian, and I'm using Obsidian to publish them.

Why am I writing this?

Just like you, I have been obsessed with AI, and I constantly wonder what are the best skills I can develop that will help make me as irreplaceable as possible during the AI revolution. I don't think writing is it; I'm actually using AI to correct my grammar right now. However, thinking and coming up with ideas will remain useful for a while, developing a vision and learning to reflect to make better decisions. I think the process of writing helps with this for sure. So that's why I'm writing.

How I'll do this?

If you're going to start a simple blog, I highly recommend using Obsidian for publishing because, in my opinion, it is the most powerful writing app and has a low barrier to entry. You can write your first post and publish it within minutes.

In case you are not familiar, Obsidian is a note-taking app that allows you to publish your notes online. You can link across your notes and add images, and it provides everything you need to run a website. You can get started with Obsidian Publish, especially if you haven't used website builders in the past.

What I plan to do is, as I progress in this blog and start publishing more often, I'll transform it into something more robust. If I want to start playing with design and other elements, I'll explore that. But for now, Obsidian Publish is just incredible, and I can't recommend it enough.

What am I focused on these days?

I've dedicated the last 2 years to helping people get started with amazing tools like Obsidian.

Now, I'm not only wanting to teach Tools for Thought but also the concept of how to become more productive. I've completely changed my business model, now I'm more focused on helping people improve their productivity through my community.

If that sounds interesting to you, check out my community here.