Stress Is Necessary For Business And Life

June 3, 2023

I've been reading a great book called "The Upside of Stress." For a great overview, I highly recommend the Ted Talk by the author.

It basically explains that stress isn't bad but necessary, and what causes health problems is our perception of stress, not stress itself.

One of the things that has been on my mind is the relationship between stress and business.

Business is all about taking on other people's stress.

This quote summarizes it perfectly:

"You get paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of problems you solve."
─ Elon Musk

So, as I aim to grow my business, I need to truly stop and reflect:

  • What problem am I solving for those I seek to serve?
  • What weight do I take off their shoulders?
  • How big are the problems I aim to solve?

If you have your own business, or want to improve your value in your professional life, question yourself with these insightful ideas.