Conquering Browser Tabs Chaos: Creating Efficient Workspaces

July 24, 2023

Most of our work these days happens inside a browser window. I've noticed that I spend unnecessary time opening the same collections of tabs every day for different types of work I do.

This is why I've been seeking solutions to streamline this process and simplify it for myself.

In this post, I want to share with you the concept of how I manage my workflow. However, I won't cover the exact tools since I'm still testing a few. But if you are interested, feel free to message me. I'm happy to share more information on my workflow with you.

Daily Writing Workflow

This is an example of a collection of tabs I use every day for writing my daily blog posts:

  • One tab for the app I use to write content
  • One tab for my idea-collection app
  • One tab for the app I use to draft my post through dictation
  • One tab for ChatGPT to help with grammar
  • One tab for publishing on my website

All of these form one workflow, and every time I start the process of writing my daily blog, I always end up manually opening most of these tabs.

Instead of manually opening each one, I can preconfigure all of them into one workspace. I use a Chrome extension that helps me organize everything in a neat way.

Example of a Tweet Creation Workflow

Now, let's consider another workflow.

Tabs I use to create new tweets:

  • One tab for Twitter
  • One tab for drafting and scheduling tweets
  • One tab for ChatGPT to correct grammar and refine ideas
  • One tab for my website to get ideas from my previous work

Whenever I need these tabs, I can swiftly close my previous tab collection and open this new workspace equipped with everything necessary for this activity.

Applying This Workflows

I haven't set up all my workflows yet, but I envision at least five different collections of tabs or workspaces that I use daily and need to open simultaneously.

So, I'm exploring the best tools for this, but if you're curious to get started, feel free to contact me and I can share more info with you about my workflow.