Tools for Tasks

May 17, 2023

I've been really enjoying Tana for everything, including all sorts of note-taking and tasks, and even though it's the backbone of my system, I've been trying to get by for the past 6 months by only being able to add ideas and tasks on my computer and not on my phone.

They actually created a really amazing mobile app that helps with this.

Here's my YouTube video on it:

The current limitation of Tana Capture:

  • It's only for iOS users. I use a Google Pixel 6 (Android).
  • It lacks the ability to search for notes.

Tana Capture is a great way to send notes to Tana to organize later. This is great for ideas. But for tasks, I want to be able to see my current task list on the go on my phone.

Using a Complementary App

So I want to experiment with some ways in which I can complement my Tana task system by using another app on mobile.

That way, I have a solid system to capture on mobile, and then the most important stuff can easily be moved to Tana.

I'm looking for something that works on Android and ideally has great widgets to easily capture thoughts without even having to navigate through the app.

These are some of the apps I'm considering:


Because I knew Evernote had great widgets, I decided to give it a go. It seems to have added some good features to integrate tasks with notes, so I was excited to test it.

However, they also recently increased their price, which seems a bit too much if I only want to use it as a complementary app. Plus, I've never liked Evernote in the past, though it does look like they are finally improving.


Clickup, this is good for teams, and it's a great app for tasks. I currently don't use it. Tana is still better for collaboration. My assistant and I use a combination of Tana and Slack, and it's next level.

Amazing Marvin

Amazing Marvin, I like this one a lot and have used it for years, but for the simple needs I have, it might be too pricey considering I won't use it as my main tasks app.


I like this one a lot, but they lack one critical feature: manual sorting. If they add that feature, I'll give this a second chance.

Tick Tick

This is like Todoist but a lot better in my opinion:

  • It's cheaper, which is always a bonus.
  • It has advanced filters.
  • It has a calendar in the paid plan.
  • Great shortcuts.

I'll be testing Tick Tick for now. I've used it in the past a lot, and I really like it. In the past, I stopped using it because I wanted my tasks to integrate better with my notes.

However, now I already have that with Tana, so now I can bring back Tick Tick as a way to complement my tasks system and be able to have tasks on mobile. And then move the most important ones to Tana later if needed, especially considering I use Tana to collaborate with my team.

This post was an alternate version of a private post made for my private community.

If you are still trying to find a better task tool for your needs, would love to have you in my community. I can definitely give you great advice that will save you so much time from trial and error.