Technical Stuff

June 2, 2023

Technical stuff, technical stuff, technical stuff.

This blog site is temporarily down, and I don't know why. I will still write because this is not a valid excuse to stop my writing habit streak.

In my business, there are a dozen technical issues I constantly need to fix, and some of them end up taking me much longer than I expect.

This time, instead of going crazy and trying to fix things straight away, I'm choosing patience, knowing that if this blog is down for a day or two, it's not the end of the world.

I have my awesome assistants looking into it, so that helps a lot. Otherwise, I spend entire days trying to solve technical issues, while I know there are higher-level tasks that require my attention a lot more in my business.

I'm finally starting to learn the value of delegating the technical, so that I can start focusing on high ROI activities.