Tell The Truth Or At Least Don't Lie

June 23, 2023

tell the truth or at least don't lie
I'm a huge fan of Jordan Peterson. I enjoy his philosophical ideas and powerful message conveying responsibility. Above all, I respect him most for his honesty.

  • He means what he says.
  • And he says what he means.

He tells the truth regardless of the consequences; he is brave and stands for free speech above all else.

He often shares an amazing quote: "Tell the truth or at least don't lie."
If we don't have the courage to freely speak our minds, at least we shouldn't utter falsehoods just to fit in.
In many cases, silence is better than a lie, but truth trumps it all.

If we think we'll get in trouble for telling the truth, we must consider how much more trouble we'll be in if we don't.
A life of lies leads to a much darker path than the temporary pushback we'll feel in moments when telling the truth.

Jordan's courage is a quality I want to develop, but to be honest, I'm often scared of the consequences, especially online. This daily blog has helped me bring more transparency to my work, so I want to keep developing the courage to show more of who I am and what I think as I continue on this journey of building a personal brand.