The Role Of Cause And Effect In Our Goals

June 25, 2023

Newton's Third Law of Motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is simple cause and effect. For instance, if you push a wall, you'll feel a force pushing back with equal intensity.

Similarly, the rocket pushing down on the ground is matched by an equal and opposite force that lifts the rocket into the sky.

But What Does This Have To Do With Our Goals?

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel.

We are the end result that we are carving, but we are also the artists responsible for creating the final results.

Nothing can be achieved in life without sacrifice; the more ambitious the goal, the greater the required sacrifice. For instance, if we want to become wealthy and successful, we have to be willing to sacrifice in equal measure.

This means that if we want extraordinary results, we cannot lead an average life. If we want to achieve our extraordinary goal, we also need to make extraordinary sacrifice.

We need to give up things that average people with average ambitions usually wouldn't sacrifice. Extraordinary ambitions require extraordinary sacrifices.